Implementation Of Child-Friendly Education In Growing Environmental Care Character For Class II Students Of MI Darul Huda Jemirahan Jabon Sidoarjo


  • Mei Kalimatusyaro Institut Agama Islam Al-Khoziny Sidoarjo, Indonesia
  • Muchammad Nur Huda Institut Agama Islam Al-Khoziny Sidoarjo, Indonesia


child-friendly education; character; environmental care


Environmental problems cannot be separated from human behavior. Humans only use the environment for personal gain without paying attention to its sustainability. Fading concern for the environment can lead to various environmental problems that have an impact on human life. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of child-friendly education in developing the character of class II students at MI Darul Huda Jemirahan Jabon Sidoarjo. as well as to describe the results of child-friendly education in fostering the character of caring for the environment for class II students at MI Darul Huda Jemirahan Jabon Sidoarjo. This study uses a qualitative approach. The stages of qualitative research must think scientifically. a researcher begins to think inductively meaning to capture social phenomena by direct observation in the field, then analyze, after that find a theory based on what has been observed. This research uses descriptive research. Descriptive research is intended to describe situations or events that occur in the field. The source of data in this qualitative research is descriptive or words, actions, the rest is additional data in the form of documentation. As for the results of implementing child-friendly education in fostering the character of caring for the environment for class II students at MI Darul Huda Jemirahan Jabon Sidoarjo, it went well. Students feel happy and comfortable during the learning process, students are also invited to every activity at school. The environmental care character program was created through a school policy, school program, learning methods and curriculum that supports and plays an active role in fostering environmental care characters. This student self-development program includes routine activities in class and outside the classroom. Teacher assistance is also very important to realize that the program can be properly implemented by all school members. The results of child-friendly education in cultivating the character of caring for the environment for class II students at MI Darul Huda Jemirahan Jabon Sidoarjo make classrooms comfortable, clean and beautiful. Students are used to carrying out class pickets, throwing garbage in the trash, washing hands before and after eating, caring for plants, and keeping the surrounding environment clean.


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How to Cite

Kalimatusyaro, M., & Huda, M. N. . (2023). Implementation Of Child-Friendly Education In Growing Environmental Care Character For Class II Students Of MI Darul Huda Jemirahan Jabon Sidoarjo. BHINNEKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pemikiran, 1(2), 148–156. Retrieved from